The Tango team
Chrome Extension New Feature Announcement Web App Pro Plan

January Product Update ⚡

AUTHOR: The Tango team

We believe process documentation should live at your fingertips, not buried in some knowledge base where documentation goes to die.

Everything we shipped this month is in service of that mission, or what we call Real-Time Enablement.

Sort your Workspace

You can now organize your Team Library by name, creation date, and update date. Bonus: your sorting preferences save so you're met with your most recent view any time you open your Workspace.


Organize Tangos from the Share & Export menu

After creating a Tango, click on Share & Export, then click on “Team Library.” You'll be able to move that Tango instantly.


A better look for view and edit permissions

You will now see a clearer view into how permissions will change if you move a Tango from one folder to another. 


Experience a better Desktop Capture experience

For Tango Pro, Business, and Enterprise users, we’ve updated our Desktop app to improve the capture experience, add a fresh coat of paint, fix some small bugs, and automatically stay up to date. 

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